Waiting for Jamaa


We are so glad you have found our website, Waiting for Jamaa!  In the Fall of 2010 we learned a new word that has spoken to our hearts, "Jamaa."  In Swahili, "jamaa" means "family."  And not just any family, but a family that God gives.  When we were married seven years ago, we never thought we would be unable to have a family of our own.  However, we know God is faithful and now we are on a journey to find the family we have always dreamed about.  It is our hope that as you visit this site, you'll find some way that you can help us find our Jamaa - our God-given family.  If you're a birthmother or birthfather looking for a loving couple to adopt your child - we hope that you will enjoy looking through the site and getting to know us; and if you'd like to contact us, we look forward to hearing from you!  If you are a friend or family member of ours, we hope that you'll read through our blog, linked-to below, and find out about all the ways you can help us bring our Jamaa from a dream to reality.  Whatever reason you're here, we're glad you are, and we can't wait to share this wonderful journey with you!

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